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world-name: r4wp

Group: #Red ... Red language group [web-public]
For CGI? No, but it's quite standard. Just PRINT the output. There's 
also GET-ENV to get the request environment variables, and you can 
probably get POST input with INPUT
Do you want to add using it with GET and POST ?
The new IDE, Android Studio, is based on JetBrains' IntelliJ IDEA. 
You can get more details in this blog post:

About odd, this solution managed to get all odd number from the even 
ones. Your solution is way more elegant, better fitting the language.

Base-1 Base-0, my personal view on this, it is the programmers choice 
on the level of the source code. What happens beneath the surface 
is compiler/linker sh*t. As a programmer and a human being I start 
to count at 1. 0 is not the new number 1 nor is 1 the new number 
2 etc. It is only an addressing issue, compare to the post. Houses 
in the street are numbered from 1 up to N. The first address a computer 
has in an array is the all 0 address, which is the first "pidgeon-hole" 
to be used. The computer doesn't know 0 as we understand it. Well 
you know all about it.
As for news channels - if there is anything new, and my time and 
skills permit, I do post. It is a pity, it is not reposted to your 
blog, it looks really dated with latest 0.3.2 Repl release :-( I 
find it a bad strategy, the project seems a bit stalled, at least 
Git get propagated there ....
Group: Ann-Reply ... Reply to Announce group [web-public]
Ladislav, most of what Andreas and Maxim are saying here is true, 
but it doesn't matter. Reading comprehension requires reading the 
whole thing. The relevant part you missed is:

    or we could get a FAQ entry declaring that the functions built into 
    R3 are "part of the interpreter" rather than "library code", despite 
    R3's actual system model.

I am actually an expert on R3's system model as it relates to dynamic 
linking of code, and how code is bundled, since I wrote most of the 
code that does that. The mezzanine code is dynamically loaded and 
linked in the startup code, and is statically linked as data into 
r3.exe, so as far as copyright is concerned it is linked two ways. 
At least in the laws of the country of origin of REBOL, the code 
vs. data distinction is irrelevant to whether the code/data is covered 
by copyright, or the GPL, which only relaxes copyright. All that 
matters is that the mezzanine data is statically linked into the 
program. For that matter, it's not even bundled as a resource, so 
it's really hard to make the "mere aggregation" argument even if 
they weren't explicitly in the same program. Embedded extensions 
and embedded REBOL code are both statically linked into the program, 
and are both dynamically linked at runtime.

Nonetheless, that system model doesn't have to matter. A published, 
official FAQ entry (or even a blog post) can be used as evidence 
in a trial, so a FAQ entry that clearly states that all bundled native 
and mezzanine code is "part of the interpreter" would be sufficient 
to make it so our scripts whouldn't be affected by R3's GPL at runtime. 
Without such a FAQ entry it could be plausibly argued in court that 
your code is dynamically linked to GPL'd code, which would then extend 
GPL requirements to your code. With the FAQ entry, it's unambiguous.
Group: Rebol School ... REBOL School [web-public]
Thank you all for addressing my concerns and for your answers about 
my first coding question.

Ahh.. rejoin. Reading up on it makes me better understand how some 
things are to be done in Rebol.

 Continuing to the final goal...

I have to extract an email address from a GET transfer. The methoed 
of sending the info to me is completely out of my control. An email 
address will be entered into a form on a website not controled by 
me. GET methoed will send the data to my script. The people who created 
the form on the external site advised that they label the email address 
as "trnEmailAddress".

 So now I want to see if I am correct in thinking how to extract and 
 use the email address. Will using the decode a cgi form command (I 
 know they are not commands in the tradiational sense)  work. How 
 does it work, does it create variables out of the GET (or Post when 
 using Post, but I am forced to recieve the info via GET) stream?

The GET stream in my case will include "&trnEmailAddress=person%40example%2Ecom. 
So can I do this?

decode-cgi system/options/cgi/query-string

send trnEmailAddress "Thank you. Rest of message." 

Thanks for your help.
Sunanda: Thanks again for issuing the World invitation. Everyone 
thanks for the continuing help.

I have read the cited document, but it just leaves me with more questions.

Is the following literal?

cgi-string: read-cgi
cgi-block: decode-cgi cgi-string
cgi-obj: make object! cgi-block 

 That is to say should I type exactly that? Or is cgi-string for example 
 a theoretical variable assignment that I could call anything? Are 
 they all proper commands, or is any part of that just for example 
 purposes?  I am thinking I should copy and paste it verbatium. I 
 am also thinking I mispelt verbatum.

 I am stuck with GET. Does this mean I can leave out some code that 
 makes up for  not knowing if the original data is POST vs GET? These 
 are hypothetical questions for better long term learning. I for now 
 will go with the idea that everything is as straight fowarrd as it 
 seems. I know that my GET stream will have "trnEmailAddress" in it 
 which is a field that will contains an email address.

 So will the following  generate a random number, extract the address 
 and email the same random number to that email address?

token: random/seed now/percise

cgi-string: read-cgi
cgi-block: decode-cgi cgi-string
cgi-obj: make object! cgi-block 

send trnEmailAddress rejoin [ "Thank you. Your number is" token "." 

 Graham: Thank you for the extra info on GUID, but Windows is not 
 involved here. I realize that random number generating really isn't 
 unless you have a monkey throwing darts at a numbered board. Regardless 
 extra effort to 
make a number unique is useful and your advice appreciated. 

 I do not think the corner cases will come up and the people who control 
 the original form assured me that web page issues warnings if the 
 form is not filled out correct which should help. I do realize that 
 people are idiots, systems are not fool proof, etc. What I am saying 
 is my basic needs are basic and I should be OK so I am not fretting 
 over those examples. It is great though to know the solutions are 
 out there when I need them.

Yes, the names of the words are arbitrary. -- you can chose your 
own names.

Whether the data came in via GET or POST makes no difference if you 
issue the READ-CGI just once.

If the CGI string was yadda.com?email=[me-:-test-:-com]&token=0
then the cgi-obj will look like this:
    make object! [
    email: "[me-:-test-:-com]"
    token: "0"

Note the values are strings, so you need to convert the email value 
to an email! datatype:

  send to-email cgi-obj/email rejoin [ "Thank you. Your number is" 
  cgi-obj/token "." ]
we neededed to support, xml rest, SOAP and direct get/post interface 
to the same functions, and that is now working via a configuration, 
which allows you to tweak how the url is read and switch interfaces 
on the fly.
And the next step get-env "SCRIPT_FILENAME" 
guess I will have to post the complete script when I finish it.
It's Rebol School group here. Why would your post be a pollution 
? I don't get it
Group: Web ... Anything related to the WWW [web-public]
I tried to change the method without changing the URL when switching 
POST and GET. Didn't work. Anyway, not a problem.
Group: !REBOL3 ... General discussion about REBOL 3 [web-public]
On the http scheme, it could be the difference between adding a query 
string to a GET request (read/custom), and adding post data on a 
POST/PUT request (write).
I see read/get as synonymous, write/post or put, delete/delete.
the thing is that GET sends information and gets something back. 
 Same as POST.  What's the difference?
So, if you're reading a HTTP form, you can either use GET or POST 
Not at all. Particularly if you consider the HTML form -- GET sends 
parameters in the URL, POST sends parameters in the body. And consider 
the usage of each: GET is usually some type of search/filter facility, 
POST is sending data to be stored.
It would be simpler if we just used 

GET and POST instead of read/write
Graham, would you prefer have functions for all HTTP methods (get, 
post, put, delete, head, options, trace, connect) ?
Graham, HTTP GET is supposed to be repeatable without side effects, 
and thus safe to cache. HTTP POST is supposed to generate side effects, 
and thus not be safe to cache.
Group: Community ... discussion about Rebol/Rebol-related communities [web-public]
This is a periodic posting of community links along with activity 
levels for discussion dedicated to Rebol and Rebol-like languages. 
The intent is to bring a dispersed community together by providing 
the current list of places where the community gathers along with 
reasonably accurate activity indicators for each place. This list 
will be posted in each location weekly or bi-weekly so that anyone 
dropping by will not have to look far in order to learn where else 
things are happening.

Currently the activity stats are gathered manually and postings are 
also not automated. This will hopefully change as the requisite scripts 
to scrape and post automatically are developed. This updated list 
will eventually be available at http://rebol.comas the site is cleaned 
up post Rebol open sourcing. 

# Chats

## R3 Chat

This is the primary forum for Rebol 3.0. It runs from any Rebol console 
in a text mode, but a GUI version is planned.
- Run R3, type chat and follow the instructions (all platforms.)

- Type "help" for more information or visit R3 DevBase Chat Forum 

- To view public messages from any web browser go to RebDev mobile/phone 
interface (http://www.rebol.net/cgi-bin/rebdev-web.r).

- Problems? Please contact Rebol Technologies at (http://www.rebol.com/cgi-bin/feedback/post2.r).
Activity: 4 messages this month

## Rebol chat on Stack Overflow (http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/291/rebol)

- Note that you will need a reputation of 20 in order to be able 
to post in the chat. 

- You can gain this minimal reputation (essentially a spam filter) 
by participating in the Stack Overflow group of sites. 
Activity: 380 messages this week

## AltME Worlds

A private instant messaging system where rebolers hang out 24/7. 
The current world dedicated to Rebol and Rebol-like language discussion 
is called REBOL4
- Get client at http://www.altme.com/download.html
- connect to the 'rebol-gate' world with user/pass, guest/guest
- request account on REBOL4 world in the REBOL4 request group

Web archives of public groups, first to last in the most active world, 
REBOL4, as well as the dormant world, REBOL3:
REBOL4 (http://www.rebol.org/aga-groups-index.r?world=r4wp)
Activity: 286 posts last 6 days
REBOL3 (http://www.rebol.org/aga-groups-index.r?world=r3wp)

# Forums

## Rebol Facebook group (http://www.facebook.com/groups/rebol)
A new special interest group for Facebook users.
Activity: 26 messages this month

## Rebol Google+ community (https://plus.google.com/communities/100845931109002755204)
Activity: 4 messages this month

## Rebol Google Group (https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/rebol)
Activity: 43 messages this month

## Synapse EHR Rebol Forum (http://synapse-ehr.com/community/forums/rebol.5)
A web-based forum for R2 and R3, provided by Synapse EHR
Activity: 13 messages this month

## RebelBB France (http://www.digicamsoft.com/cgi-bin/rebelBB.cgi)
A simple forum, written in Rebol, for French speakers.
Activity: 140 messages this month

## Nick's Rebol Forum (http://rebolforum.com/index.cgi)

A micro-forum (just a few lines of Rebol) hosted by Nick Antonaccio. 
(Note: the captcha question is first.)
Activity: 79 messages this month

# Q&A (Question & Answer)

## Stack Overflow questions on Rebol
Activity: 219 questions tagged
Activity: 2 questions tagged

world-name: r3wp

Group: All ... except covered in other channels [web-public]
Just reading around and getting up-to-date... I found RAMBO. I send 
a bug report with the "Feedback" thing on RT's homepage. Should I 
post it again with RAMBO? Maybe I'll get better response?
Group: Ann-Reply ... Reply to Announce group [web-public]
Oh boy. 

First, I *have* been contacted to ask if I could take certain actions, 
but not by RT. RT made me a world master here, which *I* consider 
to be form of moderator (with the main task being to assign and maintain 
accounts), though there is not a definite job description sitting 
on my desk. Now, I am also a regular user in this world, and there 
are definitely conflicts for me WRT those positions.

As I've said before, I enjoy a good chat as much as anyone, and I 
*don't* want to censor people here, but that may be necessary at 
some point, wouldn't you agree? If someone were quite obviously, 
in the opinion of 99.9% of the people here, abusive, rude, offensive, 
etc. should they be allowed to run rampant and ruin this world for 
everyone else? I don't think so; maybe you do.

When I joined the REBOL community, one of the main attractions was 
the high level of mutual respect, the generosity towards newcomers, 
and the complete *lack* of the venom you sometimes see unleashed 
in other language communities. *That* is what kept *me* coming back. 
The more argumentative discussions and personal jibes people see, 
the less likely they are to post, IME, because they don't want to 
be attacked themselves and if that's the tone they often see, it's 
what they will expect. 

When it comes to content, as a world master and a user *I* think 
that *most* channels here *should* be REBOL related. The world is 
called "REBOL", and I think RT created and sponsors it for the REBOL 
community. That's my view; that's how I view the ML as well. There 
are probably at least 20-25 non-REBOL, non-Technical groups here 
now; that's quite a lot IMO. There are times that I would really 
like to clean this world up a bit, and as a user I could, but as 
a world master I don't feel that I can because someone will complain 
that I'm trying to censor or control things here (so if I ever do 
that, get mad at me as a user, not as a world master :-).  

Petr, I'm sorry you feel that I'm trying to limit free speech here, 
or to control anyone's behavior; I made some *suggestions* I thought 
were appropriate. I spent a *lot* of time writing and editing my 
posts in the hope that they weren't too strong, but still got my 
view across. If you think that you should be able to use this world 
for anything you want, personally, I disagree; it's RTs world and 
we are guests in their house. If there is something specific in my 
posts that offended you, please let me know what it was.

As a user, I haven't been around much lately. Mostly my schedule 
is the cause, but maybe it's also because the technical value of 
the world has been diluted (IMO) by noise, so I'm just not as "driven" 
to come here and make time to participate. I'm normally on dial-up, 
so that affects download time, yes. Right now, I'm on a fast connection 
but the noise is still a problem because I have to visit all the 
groups that come up red to see what's new, and if I only have a small 
amount of time to spend, it may all get eaten up just skimming what 
others posted. Also, the more noise there is, and the more we get 
in the habit of talking about non-technical stuff here (again, this 
is all *my* opinion), the more chance there is for it to leak out 
into other groups, and it does. 

The camaraderie comes from the people; the technical value comes 
from the experts  who often focus on that aspect and may stop coming 
if there's too much noise here. When that happens, the value of the 
world is diminished. 

Well, my time is long gone for writing here, but I hope that helps 
clarify my position.
[unknown: 9]:
Carl wrote:

Q: "So, what should be the rules? "

A: Let's lock these down as fast as possible.  It would be great 
to post this in 2005.

Q: "Perhaps a limit on the size of the script."

A: I would like to suggest it has to be a free standing script (not 
a script that grabs other scripts, or other media.  Given AGG, I 
would like to suggest 32K (32,768 bytes) total.  It can be in multiple 
files, but the combined total must not exceed this.  Compatible with 
Rebol View 1.3.

Q: "It needs to be fast to download. We can setup a demo upload/download 
area on the View desktop."

A: I suggest not doing this, but rather put this on a public website. 
 We are trying to invite new developers, the less steps the better. 
 A copy can be on the view Desktop though.

Q: "So, what deadline date? Early January? Before students return 
to school." 

A: I vote the contest ends Dec 31st 11:59.59 (this should be 11:59.60 
but Rebol has a bug representing leap seconds, which happens this 

Q: Who should judge the winner? Vote of the REBOL community or RT 
worldwide staff?

A: I think the people giving the prizes should not do the voting. 
 I can suggest using someone more famous, I can get one of my friends 
like Charles Fleischer the comedian to vote, or better David Brin 
(author of Earth, the postman, Transparent Society), they would both 
enjoy doing the voting I suspect.  

Lastly, I would like to offer the following:  Prolific will put up 
a brand new Xbox 360 (when available).

Instead of having a first and second place, rather, both can pick 
which prize they want.  

So the award wording would be "Win your choice of an Apple iPod video, 
or a Microsoft Xbox 360.  Awarded to the first and second place winners."

Third place should be a choice between SDK license, or Command (and 
in fact, the first and second place winners could chose these as 
[unknown: 9]:
I vote keep it simple, and based on the feedback of this one, we 
step it up a notch next year, which can be the day after if we get 
our asses in gear and post this ASAP! LOL
Group: !AltME ... Discussion about AltME [web-public]
[unknown: 9]:
I think of communication software a little differently (in general), 
so I will share this.  

Read states

 (like the Red we are talking about) are a very interesting issue. 

Most computer software does a very poor job of replicating empirical 
or visceral conversations.  Email for example has a method of describing 
the "direction" you are speaking.  TO: Bob, CC: Carry.  Where the 
TO: indicates you are speaking directly to Bob, and that Carry is 
standing somewhere to the left or right of you.  BCC is someone hiding 
behind you. 

Email could have an interface where you first pick the people in 
the "room." And then use something like a 2D interface to move the 
listeners around a symbolic version of you.  This would be both silly, 
time consuming, and somewhat confusing, but you get the point.

What you have read and what you have not read though has a similar 
analogy.   There are thousands of sub states and markers people use 
to sort things they have read, will read, need to read again, need 
to respond to, etc.

In Box, Out Box, Papers upside down, putting papers you need to sign 
under your car keys on the floor in front of the door leading to 
the car, etc.

I have one friend who re-wrote some open source email program to 
have some huge number of states and then some simple filters.  It 
works VERY WELL, if you know his system.  He never forgets anything.

So the current model AltME has (right now) is a very simple interface. 
 Tantimount to "Have I ever seen this before."

We are playing with some other models in Qtask, which may get adopted 
into AltME.  I'm working on a system I call Venn Chat.  Some features 

Have I read this before? (like AltME)
Mark this:  

Follow up (add to a list of messages you want to think about more)
Note (All should read this when they come into the group)
All Must Read (converts it into an AltME-like alert)

Convert to a task (and keep the context of the chat in place, this 
is opens up a whole other area)
Branch (something like forum threading)
Re-file (move from one group to another)

Re-post (copy to another group, at the same time, similar to branch).
Trigger (tell me when someone has finally read this).
Status (tell me who has read this so far).
Attach (files, links, etc)
[unknown: 9]:
Hmmm.  Interesting.  So people that get on, post, and get off produce 
a higher number?
well, I'm OK with AltME. When using AltME, IRC, ICQ and Jabber, AltME 
is usually the one that connects first in a low bandwidth situation. 
But the killer feature for me is persistent chat logs, which has 
the side effect that if I post a problem, I can get response within 
minutes or hours. It's simply convenient to have running.
As a new REBOLer, I want to "gather" every bit of information I can 
get, especially from the posts, but the groups which I believe would 
be very helpful to me have more than 1000 posts. Through the web 
site, I can't read the earlier posts, and I get disconnected from 
the world everytime AltME resyncs these groups. I have noticed that 
groups with less than 500 posts do get resynced w/o being disconnected; 
although I had to "force" the resync (that's why I had to post the 
dot in several groups, as posting in the dot group doesn't sync me 
to all of the groups).
I just Quit and restarted. No new syncs. I noticed that the groups 
do get synced once a new post is made. That's why all I was posting 
were dots a few days ago. Will try and copy the downloaded group 
files to the new AltME location...
Group: RAMBO ... The REBOL bug and enhancement database [web-public]
(Not tested.)

>> code: second get in system/schemes/http/handler 'open
== [
    port/locals: make object! [list: copy [] headers: none]

    generic-proxy?: all [port/proxy/type = 'generic not none? por...
>> actions: select code [response-actions:]
== [
    100 continue-post
    200 success
    201 success
    204 success
    206 success
    300 forward
    301 forward
>> insert tail actions reduce [307 select actions 300]
== []
Group: Script Library ... REBOL.org: Script library and Mailing list archive [web-public]
It would be great for us to have a little "rent-a-reboler" site, 
at which anyone wanting REBOL features like this (or even scripts 
- any sort of development work), could post a job and developers 
could reply with bids.  That could give RT motivation to add features 
that only certain users are interested in initially, and I bet we'd 
see lots of features get added to REBOL3 as extensions.  I'd love 
to support REBOL by paying for little features that I need/want. 
 Animated GIFs are not a priority for me, but I can think of at least 
10 low level functions that I'd buy.
Group: View ... discuss view related issues [web-public]
I didn't get to code cleanup you suggested, but it was on my mind, 
I didn't want to post it that way - you caught me  ;)
Group: I'm new ... Ask any question, and a helpful person will try to answer. [web-public]
Hi RayA and Welcome. 

I am a new to AltMe too. I think you are right about the evolution 
of the web. The Desktop OS has become an application in itself (IMHO). 
It's the focus of so much angst, controversy and complication. (Nailing 
my personal colours to post here: I declare myself a BSD UNIX type. 
I can still install the latest version in much less than 100MB of 
HD space and 32MB ram and 100Mhz CPU. In fact I run it on an old 
Toshiba laptop with that spec and get real work done)

I think, in principle, DOS was my idea of a good OS (I know, I know...) 
It was small, fast a stable. Yes - lockups were common when pushed, 
but I found it was the application that crashed rather than DOS itself. 
Ok. back in the world of the 21st Century, an OS need many many times 
the resources of DOS just to get itself booted. But basically, all 
I want from the OS is to let the applications get on with the job 
in hand.

What attracts me to Rebol is that it is clean and lightweight. Designed 
by a man who I respect as a Computer Scientist. (And, of course, 
the Rebol community, which collectively one might say is a "killer 
app" too). It's very productive and I'm building internal information 
systems with it.  I've got a few ideas to build my own apps outside 
of work, that is an exciting prospect for the future. 

I keep trying other frameworks/languges and over the last six years 
or so I've lost the "Rebol way" and strayed from the one true path! 
I do find myself coming back to Rebol as I run into more library 
conflict/dependency/blot features of some of the other languages 
I used. Maybe I'm getting impatient of complicated technology now 
I'm older. I just get tired of having to search the internet for 
the latest whatever.so.1 lib, or what have you. I'm making a general 
point here BTW - I know there are some very good language implimentations 
out there.

I don't know what the next killer app will be, but I do think there 
is a place for a machine "Powered by REBOL" which boots in a few 
seconds, lets me communicate, write view images, multimedia, code 
my own Rebol apps from a set of built in services, oh and the battery 
lasts for days - not hours!
It would have to display HTML too (legacy web :-))

So there you go, a bit of a rant from an old geezer technologist 
. Now where's me 8" floppies I need to boot that PDP-11?
Thanks everyone for your prompt and honest comments.

Why did I join this community? The primary reason is to be part of 
a small, smart and passionate group who think differently, which 
when combined with REBOL is a very powerful combination. Therefore 
it would seem that focusing the resources of the community on a "killer" 
application leveraging REBOL3 would increase the chance of REBOL 
becoming main stream, and as a side effect possibly allow part time 
REBOL developers to become full time REBOL developers. As an example, 
think what Ruby on Rails did for Ruby. Wouldn't it be nice to get 
paid to do what you love!

IMO/E I believe it's very important for the application vendors to 
have very close and strong ties with the platform vendor so architectures 
and features can be designed and exist at the correct layer. Also, 
if something needs to be implemented in the application but really 
belongs in the platform, it can be done in a way that enables that 
feature to be migrated in the future with minimal impact and extra 
work. This seems to fit with REBOL's history of improving based on 

I'd like to think it's possible to build great applications in 3 
months, with new releases every three months as required based on 
requirements, so I don't have the time (and maybe not even the ability) 
to spend years learning REBOL. I'd also argue that for a company 
to be successful, it needs a small team to have a number of diverse 
skills which is focused on delivering the product. I mentioned when 
I first signed on that I would be interested to meet REBOL gurus 
who are in Northern California and see what happens when interesting 
(or not) people get together. Sorry for the length of this post and 
thanks for listening.
Put another way, what is the rule for when a word must explicitly 
bear the sigil prefix of  :  ? I.e., when is a get-word! required 
and when does any word suffice?  ::word is an error but   to file! 
:myString  in a func is no different from  to file! myString   and 
how do you pur carriage-returns into this message-post box!  ;-)
Perspectives of a newbie! By Steve Thornton (SteveT) 

Hi everyone, just got up and running this morning (think I've found 
a bug in Vista when used on dual-screen Doh!!)

Thanks for everyones very kind comments on my main menu. I'm learning 
masses about Rebol 

(mainly due to hours of reading - and you guy's), I think I will 
be a 'newbie' for quite some time though!

While I love databases and user interface design (yep I literaly 
have sat at customers watching how they work! ;-) I know 'get a life!' 
) I have no formal computer science education so I'm weak on some 
of the theoretical stuff.  We don't all nead to know the theory of 
how search engines etc work, as long as they work!  I look at some 
of the code in the messages on here and think OMG, what a load of 
scientific formulae that is ! :-/ 

I think an overview of some of the 'heavy' stuff would help some 
of us to get the most from Rebol, perhaps some of you 'heavy' guy's/gal's 
could 'volunteer' to post an article on their particular forte. 

One last thing... 

I have a table that holds several bits of [optional] data .. tax 
ref, employer, vat no etc.. and also a flag that the user can set 
as to wether that field is to be displayed. Can I use the following 
structure? Or am I asking for trouble?


 DETAILS [dRec dRef [dTitle d1] [dTaxref d2] [dVatno d3] [dEmployer 
I think I just heard Henrik tutting! :-0

By for now
Group: Linux ... [web-public] group for linux REBOL users
No it determines if you regen the blogs or use post generated  articles. 
 But in the article subdir all the css image names are wrong (relative 
URL hell)...  I'll get there.  A few more reads through the code.
Group: CGI ... web server issues [web-public]
Chris: from what I see, it does not. Either the file has to be transfered 
and saved on the server with unix-style line enders or -q has to 
be there to make it work for me. Time will tell. Unfortunately I 
don't have a linux machine to download and compare.... Can you say 
"Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle"? :-) Anway, what works, works. 
I'll post more on this subject when I actually get back to programming. 
this is probably old, but has anyone successfully made reading GET 
and POST data working in webserv.r?
first I want GET working, haven't tried post yet, but they should 
be fetched the same way, shouldn't they? if I check system/options/cgi/request-method 
it's none
hu? no, fetching works different. GET is part of the url. POST gets 
more data from the port. system/options/cgi should contain some environment-variables 
Steve, If it is a small number of fields, you can change the html 
submit action from a 'Post to a 'Get then you will see the fields 
in the URL when submitted.   Just take a copy of the HTML page if 
it is not yours and look for the Action word in the Form to change 
then run it yourself.
(AFAIK:) The browser submits what read-cgi reads. Post means: give 
script all data in stdin (system/ports/input). Thats for lots of 
data, when you post something. Get means, give data in url. Thats 
for getting data, the query is only short (and typable in urlbar). 
So read-cgi write that in a file and read it in an editor.
It looks like the problem does not come from the past-translated, 
but from the 'request-method: with CGI, the values are "GET" or "POST", 
but with FastCGI, the values are "GET^@^@^@^@" or "POST^@^@^@". But 
with lighttpd, no problem. So to make FastCGI rebol scripts work 
with LiteSpeed, we have to update the exemple http://www.rebol.com/docs/words/wread-io.html
read-cgi: func [
        "Read CGI form data from GET or POST."
        /local data buf

        if found? find/any system/options/cgi/request-method "POST*" [
            data: make string! 1020
            buffer: make string! 16380

            while [positive? read-io system/ports/input buffer 16380][
                append data buffer
                clear buffer
            return data

        if found? find/any system/options/cgi/request-method "GET*" [
            return system/options/cgi/query-string
        test-data ; if in test mode
Hello everyone..
I have a CGI problem/question.

I have a Win-apache-rebol server that isn't propagting the cgi info 
Upon posting.. the query-string is empty.
I am not sure what I am missing..


#!c:\rebol\rebol.exe -cs
rebol []
print "content-type: text/html^/"
print "<html><body>"
print "  <form action='page2.rcgi' method='POST'>"

print "    <input type='text' name='var01' size='16' value='test'>"
print "    <input type='submit' name='go' value='Lookup'>"
print "  </form>"
print "</body></html>"

#!c:\rebol\rebol.exe -cs
print "content-type: text/html^/"
print "<html><body>"
print mold system/options/cgi
print "<hr>"
print "</body></html>"

if I .. ( decode-cgi system/options/cgi/query-string ), my vars are 
all undefined.

Also, looking at the 'print mold system/options/cgi' shows   query-string=""

if I change page1 form-action to ... "action='page2.rcgi?x=123"

then the query-string on page2 gets populated with x=123 and the 
value 123 gets assigned to 'x'
when I 'decode-cgi'.

However, my form fields NEVER get populated.
Does anyone have any advice?

You are using "post" -- that needs some extra processing compared 
to get.

See: http://www.rebol.com/docs/cgi2.html-- loook for read-cgi function
I prefer to use get for variables that are part of a logical location, 
like a page viewer, search variables and such. I use post if the 
data being submitted causes changes (other than logging and such). 
Anything you want to be bookmarked you pass with get.
Get is also repeatable....useful if you have a convoluted script 
or need to re-read the variables (eg in an error handler to log what 
triggered the problem).
Whereas post reads from a port and exhausts its input.
Graham: was that a GET or a POST form? It makes sense for them to 
record urls with parameters, but it would be disturbing if they where 
recording POST contents.
Gabriele, it was supposed to be a POST form, but looking now at the 
source, I see I typed "type=post" instead of "method=post", so it 
turned out to be GET.
What is wrong with this script?

#!/home/daysprin/public_html/cgi-bin/rebol -cs
print "Content-type: text/html^/"

html: make string! 2000
emit: func [data] [repend html data]

read-cgi: func [
    ;Read CGI data. Return data as string or NONE.
    /local data buffer
    switch system/options/cgi/request-method [
        "POST" [
            data: make string! 1020
            buffer: make string! 16380

            while [positive? read-io system/ports/input buffer 16380][
                append data buffer
                clear buffer
        "GET" [data: system/options/cgi/query-string]
    probe data

cgi-data: decode-cgi read-cgi
print cgi-data
write/append %nr.txt reform [
	mold cgi-data
Or what about building special rebol version using SDK, running by 
default in cgi mode, quitting imediatelly, if there is not get or 
post string?
My understanding is the latter would be slower.  Also, QM (as an 
example) doesn't generally require a get query or post data (primarily 
uses path info).
Group: Dialects ... Questions about how to create dialects [web-public]
To Gress's post:

1) Yes, it's interesting to find out, how much we get for free using 
e.g. blocks in REBOL to simulate lists in other languages. Maybe 
using hash! will benefit in some situations!?

2) Using rebcode is also a way to write lower level code. But it 
should also be possible to define REBOL functions, that work like 
(or simulate) the lower level commands in other languages. 

3) Yes, it would be interesting to find out, how languages differ 
in their cores.
Group: Web ... Everything web development related [web-public]
post info tomorrow.  (its already 1h00 AM here, so I've got to log 
off, and work a bit on liquid before I get some shut eye)
Could you post a link to site you want to get printed?
(I hope this is the right group to post this in.)

I have a problem, when reading a file on another computer thru a 
shared drive. I'm sitting on a Windows client, and the file is on 
a UNIX server. First time I read the file, it's ok. Then if the file 
is updated on the UNIX server, I still get the old version on the 

I've tried the read-thru/update command, but it doesn't solve the 
problem. Maybe read-thru/update doesn't work with shared drives? 
My code looks like this:

read-thru/update %/u/adv71-20/data/invoice.txt

Any ideas?

(It's possible to distribute a sync from the server to the client, 
and then I'll get the new version of the file. But I'll like to be 
able to get the new version from the client.)
that is fantastic.  I'm starting to shake a little.  beyond all expectations. 
 talk about power to the people. . .  I'm off to do some crazy prototype. 
 I'll post a link when I get something wild cooking.
!!! Cookies-daemon script now allows to post data as a multipart 
do http://box.lebeda.ws/~hmm/rebol/cookies-daemon_latest.r
;sending single file:

read/custom target-url [multipart [myfile %somefile.txt]]   ;== same 
like <INPUT TYPE=FILE NAME=myfile>
;sending normal fields:

read/custom target-url [multipart [field1 "some value" field2 "another 
;sending multivalue:

read/custom target-url [multipart ["field[]" "some value" "field[]" 
"another value]]
;sending file with field value:

read/custom target-url [multipart [myfile %somefile.txt field1 "some 

Source files (with modified %http-patch.r) are in this archive:  

As it's part of the cookies-daemon, it should deal with the cookies 

The script is trying to detect content-type of the file which you 
want to upload calling get-content-type function, which is not part 
of the cookies-daemon (at this moment)
What's the problem with sessions? I'm not using PHP native sessions, 
It's just cookies anyway, you send something which identifies it 
on the other side. If someone say, that Rebol is bad, because there 
are no sessions, must be totally crazy. You don't even use cookies, 
you can send the id as a POST/GET variable. With Rebol I have much 
more control over the process. You can make SERVER in Rebol, but 
You cannot do that in PHP. So what, everything has it's own purpose.
REBOL's POST , GET etc really need re-working -- for an IT aware 
language posting to websites id ridicoulously hard
I want to do some small post-card system for my friend. He can't 
program much and adapted small php solution, but that solution is 
so basic, that it even does not randomize postcard number in presented 
link ... so you can cange your url and get access to someone's else 
message. That is imo unacceptable.
If you can get to them from the root, then they are fair game, unless

.....they have a rel=nofollow......We have that on a few simply because 
they duplicate content (eg viewing a script, viewing a script in 
color, downloading a script

....Mailing list -- best to index either the individual posts (http://www.rebol.org/ml-display-message.r) 
or the complete threads (http://www.rebol.org/ml-display-thread.r) 
but not both.

....you may get a __lot__ of duplication when spidering the AltME 
archive as every post has a URL, but we display in batches of 50.....So 
perhaps only spider URLs like
when NNNN is 1, 51, 101, 151, etc....

....I think You already have indexed the ML as on REBOL.,net and 
Carl's latest 300 AltME messages, eg

It would be better _not_ to have index those; it just creates duplicates 
once you have indexed the equivalents on REBOL.org (especially as 
the AltMe last 300 goes out of date so quickly).

Tell me what is unclear there!
Group: Announce ... Announcements only - use Ann-reply to chat [web-public]
I would like your permission to publish some of the groups here on 
R3 to the web site. See:

The only groups that will be published will be those that have descriptions 
that contain the string [web-public].

If I do not hear any objections (post them to "Carl Only" group), 
I will fire up the scripts and get this started.
Almost there: Twitter API client using OAuth (Basic Auth is being 
turned off).  Only thing I can't get working is signing a POST request 
with a body (which sucks for sending updates):


I've tried using my rest:// protocol and the currently published 
version uses Graham's HTTP modifications (regular HTTP does not work 
as you can't use custom headers with a GET request).

Aside from that, the GET requests work, as does the authorization 
process.  Any observations welcome.
Group: SDK ... [web-public]
Doc: the code is in sort of "prototype state" and It was meant as 
possible implementation for R3 in future (once Carl put the encryption 
algorithms codebase into the R3/host-kit or someone write an extension 
for that).

I wrote it because I wanted to know if we could get rid of unnecesary 
C code that is currently in R2 to just handle the protocol logic 
while the performance of the crypto algorithms will remain in C. 
The current size is less than 20Kb of Rebol script code so IMO it 
could be useful and also easier maintainable way.

Currently it works in client-side mode only but there is already 
support for ASN.1 certificates also I tried to write the code so 
the server-side mode and other cipher-suites shouldn't be hard to 

I plan to release the prototype to open public after some cleanup 
but if you want to waste some time with the current 'raw stuff' just 
post me privately and I'll send you a copy.
Group: !Uniserve ... Creating Uniserve processes [web-public]
Can some of you lurkers help me test out my spam filtering?
I just need you to send me an email to [gchiu-:-compkarori-:-com].

I want to see how many get non delivered, or misclassified as spam.
Just post here if you send me an email.

I have another question though.. with the httpd service, where is 
the actual data?  I get the headers, and i get the length of the 
data, but not the actual binary.. im submitting a form using POST... 
GET is fine.
Ok, the problem with POST data was with domain forwarding, and not 
with Uniserve.. GET works fine, POST didn't.
Group: XML ... xml related conversations [web-public]
i'm just trying to get some ideas. not a real poll. but maybe we 
can post this on reboltalk too.
The web and soap/http are in a sense REST applications (REST is just 
WS over HTTP) though both use a limited subset of REST arguments 
and have to work around as such.

The web is limited (by the HTML spec) to the verbs 'get and 'post, 
and post content types of 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded (default) 
or 'multipart/form-data (used to upload files).  For the most part, 
the web is RESTful as we usually only want to 'get resources.  However, 
other operations typically violate REST principles, as all other 
resource actions (create, update, delete) have to squeeze through 
the get/post/url-encode/multipart pipe.  The Rebol HTTP protocol 
as standard is designed to mimic this and requires patching to move 
beyond get/post/url-endode (even for multipart)

SOAP as I understand it, when using HTTP only uses 'post - the post 
content contains the actual request.  Where it varies from the web 
(and Rebol HTTP) is the need for the 'text/xml content type.

REST itself is limited only by HTTP.  It uses theoretically limitless 
HTTP (v1.1) verbs (though most common patterns use 'get, 'put, 'post 
and 'delete).  It uses any encoding.  It uses HTTP headers as parameters 
(eg. the 'Accept header specifies the desired return type).  Therefore, 
any HTTP protocol designed for REST will accomodate SOAP requests.
ashley, look at the source for the page, and search for the <form> 
tag. if method="GET", as Tom said, look at the url after pressing 
the submit button and just do a read on a similarly composed url. 
if method="POST", you need to look at all the <input> tags, figure 
out what the query string would be, and send it via POST using read/custom. 
(you could also use wireshark or similar to look at the query string 
the browser is sending if you don't want to look for the <input> 
It reads and parses ok. I get the block object but my problem is 
trying to access the individual elements. When venturing into some 
of the nested attributes, I just can't seem to get it returning a 
result.. Can you post an example on how you would retrieve the "hits" 
for <player id="b.11965"> or get the league info from sports-content-code 
Group: Rebol/Flash dialect ... content related to Rebol/Flash dialect [web-public]
I already posted it to rebcode group as it's rebcode which allowed 
me to this, but will like to post it here as well, because the main 
reason was to improve the Rebol/Flash dialect again....

Maybe you know that in Flash you can have embedded outlined fonts 
(independend on system) Most of the font's looks blury if you use 
them as outlines so you must use special fonts to get non blured 
pixel precision fonts. I was using some font editor just to see, 
that it's pretty difficult to make such a font so I decided it would 
be good to have possibility to make such a font just in any graphic 
editor - as a bitmap and comnvert it to pixels. Here is the result:

do http://box.lebeda.ws/~hmm/rebol/projects/font-tools/latest/test.r
Group: RT Q&A ... [RT Q&A] Questions and Answers to REBOL Technologies [web-public]
Sunanda: I can only post answers if i get them. :(
Group: Tech News ... Interesting technology [web-public]
.NET and JAVA to get better dynamic language support - http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20060810-7462.html
Reichart - could you please post to this group any additional info 
you get about AdaptiveAI? - I'm pretty hyped over the technology. 
Group: SQLite ... C library embeddable DB [web-public].
Robert - tried that. Sadly it does not fix the issue. I will try 
to get to their ml and post the finding. Maybe I am doing something 
incorrectly, otoh I think that corruption should never happen, even 
if query would be nonsense :-)
Group: !REBOL3-OLD1 ... [web-public]
but now I have another question to brainstorm - I wanted to popularise 
rebol a bit on OSNews.com - they are very open and their site is 
being visited some 100K hits a month. I wanted to post View 1.3.2. 
news, but asked for advice here on AltME, as OS-X port may not be 
ready for public adoption. On the other hand, other products get 
posted even with much smaller updates. So the question is - should 
we post REBOL 3.0 news? Some may say - pots, once there is some product 
to download. But - REBOL 3.0 is also about documentation, and the 
announcement Carl posted asks also for C coders and other kind of 
help. As a side note, we could point ppl to try View 1.3.2 - at least 
Windows and Linux users could be attracted. What do others think? 
Should we wait further? But that way we will not get any publicity 
ever ....
Group: Postscript ... Emitting Postscript from REBOL [web-public]
Graham - either give me native rebol post script viewer, or forget 
it. I will not install ghost script - being there, done that. Because 
- today, in corporate sphere, there are two output interfaces - browser, 
or PDF Reader - noone will install anything else. I do agree that 
to get things right using html/css in cross browser manner may be 
pretty difficult task, but imo that postscript should be somehow 
- hidden?
Group: Plugin-2 ... Browser Plugins [web-public]
JoshM - doesn't my private post re how Internet proxy settings in 
control panel influence registry help? IIRC, you set proxy in the 
past according to incorrect registry path. Please revise get-net-info 
:-) I prefer 90% working proxy, than none at all :-)
simple question. Will a plugin be allowed to read data [get, post, 
or soap] from a website other than the one that the script came from?
Pekr, you told me before that the problem was that it ignored auto-config 
settings. But I'm already saying that there's no adding auto-config 
support to get-net-info. If you see something else that is broken 
with get-net-info, please post it. (it seems to work great here)
but so far I am getting no results... and unless someone steps in 
to explain to me how I can write stuff out (read as gives me an example 
snippets which works on their machine)... I won't continue trying.... 
I've got other things to tackle first...

and obviously in normal web dev, the server is the file store, so 
you'd speak to it using http get and post... so as long as you have 
access to adding hooks on the server too, you can work out a virtual 
disk system through your web server... more safe too.
Group: !Cheyenne ... Discussions about the Cheyenne Web Server [web-public]
For Text CGI script I get:

#!/usr/bin/rebol --cgi REBOL [ Title: "show" File: %show.r ] print 
"Content-type: text/html^/" print {Back

} print ["Script path :" system/script/path "

] print 
CGI Object :" print "

 foreach name next first system/options/cgi [ either :name = 'other-headers 
 [ print [
] foreach [n v] list: system/options/cgi/:name [ print [
: " mold select list n ""] ] print "
 ][ print [
: " mold system/options/cgi/:name ""] ] ] print "
 if system/options/cgi/request-method = 

POST" [ vars: make object! decode-cgi make string! input if not empty? 
next first vars [ print " Variables passed :

 foreach name next first vars [ print [
: " mold vars/:name ""] ] print "
 ] ] print 

Oh...haven't run a Mac since MacOS 7.  :)  Good luck.  If you get 
a solution, please
post.  I'd be curious and appreciative.
It's not a short paste...
[HTTPd] ================== NEW REQUEST ==================

                                                         [HTTPd] Request Line=>GET /testapp/ HTTP/1.1

                                                                                                     [HTTPd] Request Headers=>
Host: localhost:8080

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070310 
Iceweasel/ (Debian-

Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive

[HTTPd] Phase url-to-filename done ( mod-alias )

                                                [HTTPd] Phase url-to-filename done ( mod-rsp )

                                                                                              [HTTPd] Phase url-to-filename done ( mod-fastcgi )
   [HTTPd] Phase url-to-filename done ( mod-static )

                                                    [HTTPd] Phase access-check done ( mod-action )

                                                                                                  [HTTPd] Phase set-mime-type done ( mod-action )
    [HTTPd] Phase make-response done ( mod-rsp )

                                                [HTTPd] Response=>

                                                                  HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
Server: Cheyenne/0.9.11
Connection: close
Location: /testapp/login.rsp

[HTTPd] Phase logging done ( mod-static )

                                         [HTTPd] Phase clean-up done ( mod-rsp )

                                                                                [HTTPd] Connection closed

[HTTPd] ================== NEW REQUEST ==================        

                                                         [HTTPd] Request Line=>GET /testapp/login.rsp HTTP/1.1

                                                                                                              [HTTPd] Request Headers=>
Host: localhost:8080

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070310 
Iceweasel/ (Debian-

Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive

[HTTPd] Phase url-to-filename done ( mod-alias )

                                                [HTTPd] Phase url-to-filename done ( mod-rsp )

                                                                                              [HTTPd] Phase url-to-filename done ( mod-fastcgi )
   [HTTPd] Phase url-to-filename done ( mod-static )

                                                    [HTTPd] Phase access-check done ( mod-action )

                                                                                                  [HTTPd] Phase set-mime-type done ( mod-action )
    [HTTPd] Phase make-response done ( mod-rsp )
[HTTPd] Response=>
                  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Cheyenne/0.9.11
Content-Length: 482
Content-Type: text/html
Connection: Keep-Alive

2007 11:54:30 GMT; path=/testapp; HttpOnly
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate
Expires: Thu, 01 Dec 1994 16:00:00 GMT

[HTTPd] Phase logging done ( mod-static )

                                         [HTTPd] Phase clean-up done ( mod-rsp )

                                                                                [HTTPd] Phase task-done done ( mod-rsp )

[HTTPd] ================== NEW REQUEST ==================        

                                                         [HTTPd] Request Line=>POST /testapp/login.rsp HTTP/1.1

                                                                                                               [HTTPd] Request Headers=>
Host: localhost:8080

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070310 
Iceweasel/ (Debian-

Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive
Referer: http://localhost:8080/testapp/login.rsp
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 23

[HTTPd] Phase url-to-filename done ( mod-alias )

                                                [HTTPd] Phase url-to-filename done ( mod-rsp )

                                                                                              [HTTPd] Phase url-to-filename done ( mod-fastcgi )
   [HTTPd] Phase url-to-filename done ( mod-static )

                                                    [HTTPd] Posted data=>login=test&pass=letmein

                                                                                                [HTTPd] Phase access-check done ( mod-action )
 [HTTPd] Phase set-mime-type done ( mod-action )

                                                [HTTPd] Phase make-response done ( mod-rsp )
[HTTPd] Response=>
                  HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Server: Cheyenne/0.9.11
Connection: close
Location: /testapp/

2007 11:54:37 GMT; path=/testapp; HttpOnly

[HTTPd] Phase logging done ( mod-static )

                                         [HTTPd] Phase clean-up done ( mod-rsp )

                                                                                [HTTPd] Phase task-done done ( mod-rsp )

                                                                                                                        [HTTPd] Connection closed
    [HTTPd] ================== NEW REQUEST ==================

                                                             [HTTPd] Request Line=>GET /testapp/ HTTP/1.1

                                                                                                         [HTTPd] Request Headers=>
Host: localhost:8080

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070310 
Iceweasel/ (Debian-

Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive
Referer: http://localhost:8080/testapp/login.rsp

[HTTPd] Phase url-to-filename done ( mod-alias )

                                                [HTTPd] Phase url-to-filename done ( mod-rsp )

                                                                                              [HTTPd] Phase url-to-filename done ( mod-fastcgi )
   [HTTPd] Phase url-to-filename done ( mod-static )

                                                    [HTTPd] Phase access-check done ( mod-action )

                                                                                                  [HTTPd] Phase set-mime-type done ( mod-action )
    [HTTPd] Phase make-response done ( mod-rsp )

                                                [HTTPd] Response=>

                                                                  HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
Server: Cheyenne/0.9.11
Connection: close
Location: /testapp/login.rsp

[HTTPd] Phase logging done ( mod-static )

                                         [HTTPd] Phase clean-up done ( mod-rsp )

                                                                                [HTTPd] Connection closed

                                                                                                         [HTTPd] ================== NEW REQUEST ==================

                     [HTTPd] Request Line=>GET /testapp/login.rsp HTTP/1.1

                                                                          [HTTPd] Request Headers=>
Host: localhost:8080

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070310 
Iceweasel/ (Debian-

Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive
Referer: http://localhost:8080/testapp/login.rsp

[HTTPd] Phase url-to-filename done ( mod-alias )

                                                [HTTPd] Phase url-to-filename done ( mod-rsp )

                                                                                              [HTTPd] Phase url-to-filename done ( mod-fastcgi )
   [HTTPd] Phase url-to-filename done ( mod-static )

                                                    [HTTPd] Phase access-check done ( mod-action )

                                                                                                  [HTTPd] Phase set-mime-type done ( mod-action )
    [HTTPd] Phase make-response done ( mod-rsp )

                                                [HTTPd] Response=>

                                                                  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Cheyenne/0.9.11
Content-Length: 482
Content-Type: text/html
Connection: Keep-Alive

2007 11:54:37 GMT; path=/testapp; HttpOnly
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate
Expires: Thu, 01 Dec 1994 16:00:00 GMT

[HTTPd] Phase logging done ( mod-static )

                                         [HTTPd] Phase clean-up done ( mod-rsp )

                                                                                [HTTPd] Phase task-done done ( mod-rsp )
If I turn on debug in webapp in httpd.cfg I get the  Redirection 
catched  everytime.

The contents are empty, before and after the "POST", but I'm not 
sure since the

redirect is plopping me back at login.rsp.   Even empty when I change 
the form
to method="GET" and hit return...
As you might have read from above, I am attempting to post postscript 
to a RSP script to convert to PDF.
4k of postscript sees the script complete.
But 92Kb of postscript - and I get this response

make object! [
    code: 800
    type: 'user
    id: 'message

    arg1: {Error.  Target url: https://www.compkarori.co.nz:443/cgi-bin/createpdf.rsp 
    could not be retrieved.  Server response: none}
    arg2: none
    arg3: none

    near: [page: read/custom https://www.compkarori.co.nz/cgi-bin/createpdf.rsp
    reduce ['POST join "content=" content]]
    where: none
Cheyenne release v0.9.16 beta. Download at http://softinnov.org/tmp/cheyenne-r0916.zip

Changelog :

v0.9.16 - 12/07/2007
	o Localization framework added to RSP. API overview :
		- #[text] in static parts of RSP pages will be translated.

  - new function: say "data" : translate a string! value in the current
		- session's new 'lang variable can set the current language.
		- new config file options to control default language and 
		  locales resources folder.

 o Decode-cgi rewrote from scratch. Cleaner and 2-3 times faster than 

 o RSP request params decoding rewrote. Now GET and POST parameters 
 are unified
	  in request/content.
	o BugFix for encapping %misc/mime-types file.

 o File upload support redesigned. Now big files (user defined threshold) 

   directly written to disk in temporary files, instead of being held 
   in memory.

   The temporary files are deleted once the request is completed. So 

   Cheyenne supports files upload up to 2Gb (R2 port! limitation).

 o CGI execution extended to any scripts (not just REBOL). If found, 

   shebang line (#!) is honored (on all platforms). Several perl scripts
	  added in %www/ folder as demo.

 o Module's 'on-started event now fired only once, when multiple HTTPd 
	  are listening on more than one port.

 o New module : mod-extapp for launching and managing external applications.

   Only the start and shutdown actions are currently supported. Load 
	  will be included in future.
	o FastCGI protocol reliability improved and some bugs fixed.
	o RSP-API documentation updated.
For RSP users, watch out the new way GET and POST parameters are 
unified, it may break some of your scripts (the ones using POSTed 
form data).
This is with the latest beta ...

>> page: read
URL Parse: none none none none show.cgi
Net-log: ["Opening" "tcp" "for" "HTTP"]
connecting to:
Net-log: {GET /show.cgi HTTP/1.0
Accept: */*
Connection: close
User-Agent: REBOL View
Net-log: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
Net-log: ["low level read of " 2048 "bytes"]
Net-log: ["low level read of " 2048 "bytes"]

== {<HTML><BODY><FONT FACE='ARIAL' SIZE='-1'><a href="/">Back</a><br><br>
<B>Script path :</B> /E/cheyenne916/Cheyenne/www/ <BR><BR...

>> page: read/custom ['post join 
"content=" url-encode content ]
URL Parse: none none none none show.cgi
Net-log: ["Opening" "tcp" "for" "HTTP"]
connecting to:
Net-log: {POST /show.cgi HTTP/1.0
Accept: */*
Connection: close
User-Agent: REBOL View
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 147479
Net-log: none

** User Error: Error.  Target url: 
not be retrieved.  Server response: none

** Near: page: read/custom ['post 
join "content=" url-encode content]
Group: !CureCode ... web-based bugtracking tool [web-public]
I have lost some work on occasion due to the login timeout not being 
long enough. The post-only interaction model means that I can't go 
back to get my edits, so if I have to log in again my edits are lost 
for good.
Not even that. It would be sufficient to do two things:

- Do a server-side redirect to a get page when you go into edit mode 
on a ticket or comment update.

- If doing a post and the session has timed out, create a new session 
and save the data to it temporarily and take the person to a login 
page. After the relogin, take them back to the page with their edits 
prefilled in. Then let them save (or perhaps save on the way).
Group: DevCon2008 (post-chatter) ... DevCon2008 [web-public]
[unknown: 5]:
Nick, glad to finally see you post.  I assume you usually monitor 
the web output of the this world.  I hope we do eventually get a 
video conferencing solution in REBOL.  I don't see it happening before 
REBOL3 hits though.
OK...I knocked out a very quick mock up of a DevCon page that should 

The logic is, everything on the main page, but if you want the details, 
you can drill in one more level.

(if you need a membership to Qtask, just post to me your email)
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